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  • WTF - semen retention boosts free testosterone by how much?

WTF - semen retention boosts free testosterone by how much?

I’m sure you didn’t expect a title like this in your inbox today.

And before you roll your eyes at me, trust me, this is worth your time.

Recently, I was trawling through Testosterone Reddit when I stumbled across an anecdote that caught my eye.

One of the standout threads was a guy who posted their (extremely in-depth and detailed) 6 month journey with semen retention.

Yes, you read right.

He went 6 months without conceding to man’s greatest temptation. Impressive, right?!

But what’s even more impressive is this.

During those 6 months, every month, he measured his free testosterone levels to see how they changed in response to him not masturbating.

The results?


Before this, when looking into the science, my understanding was semen retention provided mixed outcomes.

Not convincing enough to see it as a robust way to skyrocket testosterone at the expense of the immense discipline you’d need.


This study below (below) found fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. 

On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline.

Pretty good, right?

And then in another 3 week sexual abstinence study it showed,

Orgasm increased blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol and prolactin”

These effects were observed both before and after sexual abstinence. But, in contrast,

“Although plasma testosterone was unaltered by orgasm, higher testosterone concentrations were observed following the period of abstinence”

In summary, it demonstrated that acute abstinence does produce elevated levels of testosterone in males.

So what about this Reddit anecdote? Why the hype? Read below.

He went from a free testosterone reading of 68 (shown below).

To over 200.

That’s well over 300% (and he got there in less than 4 months).

And the best bit?

There was:

  • No fancy drugs

  • No ridiculous dieting

  • No expensive supplements

His secret?


I would argue THE most important masculine quality of all.

I’ve been experimenting with semen retention for 3-4 years and I can personally attest to some of the mental and physical transformations he highlights.

After about 2-3 weeks, the stand out benefit I notice is motivation comes more effortlessly.

I spring out of bed

I relish long days working

I get overly excited about the gym

I sustain an impenetrable good mood

All things I know so many of you struggle to cultivate consistency with. So why not give semen retention a try?

Start with 1 week first and then build up from there

I guarantee you’ll surprise yourself (the 5-7 seconds worth of pleasure doesn’t come close to the sustained cognitive benefits you get the longer you abstain)

A man who can’t control his lust becomes a victim to it.

Master abstinence and watch how quickly it positively transcends into all the other areas of your life.


P.S: Link to full reddit story here.