The Waiting Room

Simmo here.

I can tell you the rumors are true about the dreaded “C” word.

I know because seven years ago I had a testicle removed.

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You go about life and hope you’ll never hear it but when you do it stabs you in the chest. Doctors told me they’d have to operate ASAP and I’d be on testosterone replacement therapy and drugs for the rest of my life. The doctors were wrong. But the worst part?

The waiting.

It doesn’t get much scarier than wondering if you’re going to die too soon. You wait around for the doctor. You wait around while they run tests. You wait around while they take blood. You wait around for the results.

Your whole soul is in fight-or-flight mode and all you can do is sit there.

And the only thing you can focus on is the fear.

I cried a little bit when I got the all-clear.

It was just me and the taste of my tears and the voice in my head saying “thank fuck” over and over again.

Then things got worse.

I’m going to tell you all about over the next few days.

I have written a few emails that tell my story and share the stuff that people have found the most helpful.

It’s a free masterclass - one email a day sort of thing

But I beg you please don’t think of me as an expert or health guru.

Yes, I know my stuff.

But I only know it because I had to fight my way back from rock bottom when doctors failed me. Now I’m here to help other men get back to their best.


P.S. Tomorrow’s email is about wood.