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  • TMF #024: You become what you think, say and do. If you aren't careful, this'll create dangerous outcomes you'll want to avoid.

TMF #024: You become what you think, say and do. If you aren't careful, this'll create dangerous outcomes you'll want to avoid.

Welcome to another edition The Monday Formula.

In today's issue, you'll learn:

  • Why what you think, say and do determines your reality

  • A simple mindset shift you can make to help you live a more fulfilling, positive life

  • And, a key actionable takeaway from Tony Robbins you can start using instantly to empower yourself towards greatness

Read time:

2 minutes.

Let's dive in.

The reality of the world is that most men are their own worst enemy.

Cursing and curating an environment of negative energy around themselves, attracts more negativity.

At any moment you choose - even in the next second - become whatever man you desire, with whatever destiny you envision.

Most men are conditioned to be disempowered.

Because if every man knew how powerful he is… they would not be as easily oppressed at the scale that we see today.

Most men are kept in perpetual slavery because they are conditioned to believe certain things are impossible.

The power of belief is cemented in the existence of the placebo/nocebo effect.

Most men think that they will be happy when their external circumstances change to give them a reason to be happy.


In reality, the shift in yourself has to come first before your physical reality will change for the better.

If you; complain, are pessimistic or blame, this puts out an energetic field around you that attracts negativity.

‘Oh that’s not possible’ - and, so you create that reality for yourself with that limiting belief.

The biggest key to success is realising you self-cage with your limitations.

Some limiting beliefs are conditioned into us by the people we know, some we love.

Usually, family, who don’t know any better, will say that something isn’t possible. If you believe that, so it will become.

Sure, an incredible goal might take a while, and it will likely be a multiyear journey of sacrifices and hard work.

But it is always possible if you believe it is.

You have a finite amount of mental energy to direct to things, a certain number of hours in the day that you can spend focusing your attention.

Those men who direct their limited energy to thinking about how things are bad, will increase the likelihood of that stuff occurring more.

Those that spend their time and energy by thinking about what they desire; thinking about a prosperous future and the good things that have potential in their lives.

So, too, they will increase and charge that version of reality, increasing the chances of that happening to them.

The secret?

Start every morning - literally after you wake up - with "incantations"

What are they?

Like affirmations, but on steroids because you are provoking a shift in your state.

Most men do it wrong.

They write them down or say affirmations in any monotone way, or, spend too long trying to intellectualise them.

Don't do this. It's a waste and lacks impact.

Instead, you must create an intense, emotional reaction in order to shift your state.

This is the most effective way to get through to your subconscious.

Over time, this will then cement in your new identity as a strong, powerful and confident man.

Perfect example, you must watch (first 5 mins is fine):

Shift your perspective now to unlock your potential.

That’s all for this Monday.

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Otherwise, see you again next week - same time, same place.

Your, Simmo.


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If you're a man who is a busy, corporate or commercial professional.

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