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  • Your testosterone and health will never reach its potential unless you make this tiny change:

Your testosterone and health will never reach its potential unless you make this tiny change:

Invest in the elite elixir.

No, it’s not a product of mine.

It’s a combination of minerals and vitamins that are extremely powerful for hormone and overall health optimisation.

According to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinology, electrolytes are essential for the production of testosterone, amongst many other key male hormones.

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that low levels of sodium and chloride (two key electrolytes) in the body were associated with decreased testosterone levels in men.

The study suggested that adequate sodium and chloride intake may help maintain optimal testosterone levels.

Similarly, a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that low potassium levels were associated with lower testosterone levels in male athletes.

The study suggested that maintaining adequate potassium levels could help optimize testosterone production in male athletes.

Magnesium is another electrolyte that is critical for male health.

A study published in Biological Trace Element Research found that magnesium supplementation increased testosterone levels in men who were deficient in the mineral.

The study suggested that magnesium may play a vital role in maintaining optimal hormone levels in men.

But, thiamine/b1 isn’t an electrolyte I hear you ask?

No, it’s not but..

What most practitioners in the health space fail to recognise is:

When taking any mineral or vitamin, there are always things called, “co-factors” involved that help optimises absorption.

In fact, it can actually be quite dangerous to take some vitamins and minerals in isolation - especially when taken away from food.

But back to the thiamine/B1.

It plays a critical role in the proper absorption and function of magnesium and potassium.

So it adds a bulletproof layer to a dangerously effective stress, health and hormone optimising concoction.

How to make Simmo’s Elite Elixir?

  1. Buy Thiamine/b1

  2. Buy potassium bicarbonate

  3. Buy celtic sea salt

  4. Buy magnesium chloride

  5. Buy sparkling water (any glass bottled one from the supermarket will do)

Then, when you have them all.


  • ½ teaspoon of salt

  • Add 3 grams of potassium

  • Add a tablespoon of magnesium chloride

  • Add a full pipet of thiamine

Into a litre bottle of sparkling water.

There you have it.

Elite-level hydration that’ll boost testosterone but also help you sleep and drastically improve your resilience to stress.

Hope you found this valuable.

Your Simmo


Here’s mine with some Vichy Catalan and a slice of fresh lemon.


I’m currently taking on 3 men who want to:

  • Have the energy to overcome their daily tasks easily

  • Get 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep every night

  • Get rock hard erections without any issues

  • Gain 10 lbs of lean mass

  • Lose 30 lbs of excess weight

  • Feel more romantically confident

In 90 days.

Using only natural, proven methods.

Sound of interest?

Reply to this email with “Yes” and let’s chat.