save yourself.

Welcome to another Edition of the Formula.

In today's issue, you'll learn:

  • Quote of the day

  • Why you must learn to take responsibility and save yourself

This one takes 2:30 to read.

Let's dive in.

Quote of The Day

The same environment that made you ill, won't be the same environment that makes you well.

Recognise this and apply to your life accordingly.

(Hint: open your mind)

The path from boy to man begins when you realise no one is coming to save you.

When you can no longer coast by on the possibilities of your potential, you are required to be proven by your accomplishments in the world. 

If realised, such is the turning point of motivation for every man.

A great fire is lit.

You must carve your legacy out of the rocky mountain face, or the sands of time will blow you away with nothing to remember you by.

If you do not make this realisation and continue to waste time acting like a kid.

Not taking any responsibility or developing yourself at all, you will come to a horrifying point.

People begin to say, “what a shame” about you.

An unaccomplished man or a man who does not even try is the most invisible of all.

This is the harsh reality.

You can fight it or play the game as it is.

Typically, we are conditioned by a system which tells us what to do through school and university.

If you are smart and willing to put in the effort, you can perform well underneath these structures and feel accomplished.

When you don’t have the formation to guide you, many people struggle to discipline themselves, and so they spin directionless or wallow in mediocre practices of endless enjoyment (drinking, partying, goofing off).

You can lose years of your life doing this. It feels good in the moment. 

After all, you have your whole life ahead of you. I’ve been there myself.

But the days add up. Momentum and compounding returns you could have earned drift away.

This doesn’t mean you can’t party and have fun.

It is important for the health of your soul, a great relationship builder and a fantastic networking avenue.


You must intentionally look to build yourself as your priority. Never let partying be the only thing you are doing.

As a man, no one is coming to save you. This means it’s all under your control.

You can save yourself.

You don’t need a doctor to tell you how to be healthy. You can take care of yourself.

You don’t need someone to lift the weights for you, you can become jacked yourself.

You don’t need someone to give you cash. You can make all the money yourself.

Earn your place through effort. It’s our greatest blessing as men.

Do not let the illusion of the mind blind you to the seasons of your life. 

You don’t have time.

Your future self, spouse, and generations are depending on you to get a fucking grip and take responsibility.

Start taking action towards becoming the man you deserve to be, now.

That’s all for this Monday.

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Otherwise, see you again next week - same time, same place.

Your Simmo.


If you're interested in accelerating your progress, there're two ways I can help:

1. Any questions or suggestions? Feel free to respond to this email.

2. Struggling with confidence? Feel insecure about your health? Experiencing low energy, poor sex drive or an inconsistent mood? Is your current state negatively affecting your performance at work or around women? 

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