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  • Lose 25lbs, gain 10lbs of lean muscle, 2X your energy and transform your confidence (without cardio or calorie counting)

Lose 25lbs, gain 10lbs of lean muscle, 2X your energy and transform your confidence (without cardio or calorie counting)

Meet Jon.

Jon is an entrepreneur who struggled with:

• insecurity

• low energy

• weight issues (203 lbs)

Then, in 2 months, Jon:

• dropped 25lbs

• increased energy

• Felt more confident than ever

He recorded his lowest weight of 178 lbs in just 8 weeks.

Here's the exact step-by-step template that we used that costs $3,750 (that you can steal for FREE):

The best bit?


• Did zero cardio

• No calorie counting

• Gorged on sweetness like fruit and honey

Prioritise Protein.

Fat loss is 90% diet, 10% everything else.

Stop trying to outrun your weight issues.

Instead, focus on drastically increasing your protein intake.

With Jon, we focused on 4 main protein sources:

• Meat

• Eggs

• Seafood

• Raw dairy

But guess what?

Fuck Food Tracking.

Instead, we used the power of intuition.

Eat your protein first, until you begin to feel full.

And, then, fill in with:

• fruit

• honey

• full-fat cream or cheese

Forget snacking.

You'll feel satiated for 5-7 hrs.

Whilst, reducing meal stress and dropping weight.

2 Meals > 3 Meals.

Jon ate 2 meals per day.

One at 10am and his final meal at 5pm.

(Typical) Meal 1:

• Salmon

• Avocado

• Scrambled egg (20g of butter and 4-6 eggs)

(Typical) Meal 2:

• 300g Steak

• Cheese

• Honey

• Fruit

Eating real food is therapy.

17/7 Fasting Window.

Instead of eating 3x a day within a 13 hr feeding window (7am - 8pm).

Jon ate 2x a day within a 7 hr feeding window (10am - 5pm).

A longer period with no food helps supercharge:

• weight loss

• mental clarity

• overall energy

Fasting is your friend.

Zero Alcohol.

Alcohol is one of the ultimate weight gainers.

It harms your metabolism and encourages fat storage.

Jon was drinking 20 units per week.

The, we decided to completely cut it out.

It worked. The results speak for themselves.

He lost the 25lbs in 8 weeks.

Cut alcohol, transform your body.

Prioritise 7.5+ hrs of Sleep.

Jon's sleep hygiene was awful.

He was averaging about 5 hrs of sleep a night.

It took him around an hour to get to sleep.

Then, when he'd wake up.

He often felt tired, low and lacked motivation.

Then, we introduced these changes:

• mouth tape

• red lights at night

• blue light blockers

• 10 mins of sun gazing

• 10 mins of box breathing

• no phone 2 hrs before bed

• eating between sunrise and sunset

• supplement l-theanine, inositol and magnesium chloride

The result?

• Less than 10 mins to get to sleep

• Average sleep time increased to 7.5hrs

• Woke up feeling motivated and happy

Good sleep will boost your mood.

But, also, it helps regulate your blood sugar.

The better your sleep, the less volatile your hunger.

Forget snacks.

Strength Training 5x Weekly.

Each of Jon's session consists of 6 exercises of 3 sets.

2 warm-up sets and then 1 all out "rest/pause" set,

1st warm-up = 60% of final weight.

2nd warm-up = 80% of final weight.

Then, for his main set, he did an all-out "rest/pause" set.

For example:

Movement 1:

Warm-up 1 = 12 reps (60%)

Warm-up 2 = 12 reps (80%)

Then, the main "rest/pause" set:

Do 6 reps to failure.

(Rest 15 seconds)

Do another 3-4 reps to failure.

(Rest 15 seconds)

Then, do another 2-3 reps to failure.

Movement finished. Repeat with next movement.

Here's an example template that we used for Jon:

Day 1: Push 1

Day 2: Pull 1

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Push 2

Day 5: Pull 2

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Pull 3

Full body training is extremely effective for weight loss.

Recognise and apply accordingly.

Train Legs Every Session.

If you don't train legs, you'll ruin your gains.

But, also, you'll make it hard to lose weight too.

Instead of a dedicated leg day, we did one leg movement per session.

This helps stimulate muscle growth and supercharges weight loss.

The best 3 are:

• Front squats

• Zercher squats

• Hex bar deadlifts

Track Your Training Progress.

Before, Jon had no idea how to track his training.

And, what gets measured gets managed.

Download the app "Strong"

Input all your "push" and "pull" templates into the app.

This is key to achieving progress so you stay consistent.

What about cardio?

There was none.

Instead, we focused on strength training combined with getting Jon to move often.

Outside of his strength session.

Jon walked 30 mins in the morning and then 30 mins before bed.

The important thing: he moved his body regularly.

Elite Hydration.

Jon's drinking habits were dreadful.

He was guzzling over 4 litres of tap water a day.

Tap water is unstructured and usually high in enviro-toxins.

This makes it awful for your health and poor for hydration.

Instead, we did this:

We got Jon drinking glass bottled water until he could install a reverse osmosis machine.

But, even better, we included electrolytes.

A proven formula:

• Celtic Salt

• Zeta aid

• San Pellegrino

• Magnesium chloride

4 magic minerals that'll supercharge your health and mood.

Optimise Digestion.

Jon's digestion was bad.

For 7 years, he suffered with debilitating constipation.

Turns out, he was taking 15+ different supplements, all full of:

• Fillers

• Additives

• Colourings

Most of them toxic for the gut.

Instead, we did this:

We removed all the supplements.

He just stuck to the diet plan I outlined above.


Free from constipation and his digestion feels stronger than ever.

Build Mental Resilience.

Change is hard.

Jon wrestled with low confidence and self-doubt.

Every morning, Jon did an NLP "priming" technique pioneered by Tony Robbins.

This was pivotal in helping him cultivate a positive mindset.

You win the morning, you win the day.


• Prime mind

• Cut alcohol

• Hydrate well

• Avoid tap water

• 2 meals > 3 meals

• Remove supplements

• Train legs every session

• Eat mainly animal protein

• Prioritise elite sleep habits

• Replace tracking with intuition

• Commit to a 17/7 fasting window

Made it down this far?

If this story resonates with you.

And, you'd like to:

• Lose 10-30 lbs

• Gain 5-10 lbs slabs of lean muscle

• Transform your confidence

Without calorie counting or cardio.

Whilst eating as much fruit and honey as you want.

And doing training exercises that you actually love doing.

I’ve got time for 3 new 1:1 clients.

If you’d like to be considered, book your free assessment, click here:

Your, Simmo