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  • Formula #033: The "Power Pose" was shown to increase testosterone by 20% in less than 5 minutes (here're 7 tips to improve your posture so you demand more respect)

Formula #033: The "Power Pose" was shown to increase testosterone by 20% in less than 5 minutes (here're 7 tips to improve your posture so you demand more respect)

Welcome back to another edition of the formula.

In today's issue, you'll learn:

  • Quote of the day

  • 7 exercises you must prioritize in the gym that are proven to transform your posture

  • Better posture by doing poses like the “Power Pose” have been shown to increase testosterone by over 20% and will help you command more respect

Read time: 3 minutes.

Let's dive in.

Quote of The Day

Stop telling people your goals.

Instead, you must keep quiet.

Replace words with actions so you can show them results.

Speaking your goals is the greatest form of mental masturbation.

It gives you the same dopamine hit as you had already hit them.

This will ruin your persistence and discipline toward actually getting after your goals.

Trust me: keep quiet until they’re permanent.

7 Powerful Tips to Improve Your Posture So You Raise Testosterone by Over 20% and Demand More Respect from Your Peers and Women

Here is the study in question (below) for your viewing pleasure.

Due to modern living, most men have their faces down looking at a screen all day.

This is literally destroying your posture and giving you an ugly nerd neck.

Your head protrudes forward and then after a while, this causes kyphosis of the upper spine (pictured on the left below).

As you can see, this is not a good look.

Posture is a actually topic very close to my heart.

5 years ago, nerd neck and kyphosis of the upper spine was ruining my life.

Surprisingly, it managed to screw my:

  • Sleep

  • Breathing

  • Confidence

  • Gym performance

  • Anxiety and stress

Check these 2 pictures out below.

Horrendous posture, right?

After I implemented the 7 exercise techniques you’re about to learn about.

This is what my figure looks like now (below).

The difference is like night and day.

And guess what?

My testosterone levels are at an all-time high.

My confidence has since skyrocketed.

My sleep is better than ever.

My Anxiety is all gone.

Of course, posture isn’t responsible for all of those changes.

But, you’d be surprised by how big a part it has played.

In the last 12 months, I’ve even had a few people tell me they think I’ve grown.

And the fact is, I haven’t grown.

Through correct training methods, my upper back and posture have resolved which gives the illusion that I’ve grown.

So instead of a small 6.3, I’m now a tall 6.3 apparently! ha

Anyway.. back to you. Here’s how you can achieve the same for yourself.

  1. Face Pulls

Do these at least 3x per week. Pick a light weight and do as many as you can until failure. If you’re over 6 feet, it’s wise to use 2 ropes (instead of just 1).

  1. Good Mornings

Make sure you do these at least 2x per week. Again, put your ego to one side and pick a light weight and focus on 20-30 reps in a controlled, slow fashion.

  1. T3 Raises

The inspiration for these came from Alex Bernier (Twitter’s best functional strength coach).

Again, pick a light weight (1-3kg dumbbells) and focus on doing between 15-20 reps.

Make sure you’re doing these at least 2x per week.

  1. Back Extensions

Easily one of the best posture exercises on the planet.

Again, pick a light weight and focus on form and control.

Slow on the way down and controlled on the way up.

Barbell behind the neck works best.

  1. Stiff Leg Deadlift (Elevated Heels)

More advanced movement. One for those of you who have some decent training experience.

Heels elevated on weighted plates.

Chin tucked.

Slow on the way down and then controlled on the way up.

2-3 sets of 15-20 reps is a good number to aim for to start with.

  1. Chin Ups

One of the hardest exercises to perfect and get strong in.

You must be patient with these. They’ll take a lot longer than you think.

I’ve been training for 10+ years and they continue to be an area I wrestle with a lot.

Follow the advice in the clip below and you’ll make quality gains in no time.

  1. Powell Raises

Extremely underappreciated upper body posture protector.

Grab a light dumbbell and do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Trust me: they’ll be much harder thank you think.

Bonus Tip:

An extremely underrated (if not the most underrated way) to improve posture is to sleep on the floor or hard mattress.

Not the most romantic choice to make I know but surprisingly effective.

Not sure if the wife/partner will approve but worth working on her for it!

I personally sleep on a Japanese Futon that’s a bit thicker than a yoga mat.

That’s all for this Monday.

If you’re not getting value out of these tips, please consider unsubscribing.

I won’t mind and there are no hard feelings.

Alternatively, if you enjoy this newsletter, the best compliment you could pay me is to share it with others on Twitter.

Otherwise, see you again next week - same time, same place.

Your, Simmo.

P.S: 2 client wins from this week, below


If you are struggling with:

  • Low energy

  • Erectile issues

  • Sleep problems

  • Insecurity around women

  • Low self-esteem or confidence

  • Body-conscious (skinny or overweight)

Odds are, you may have low testosterone.

If you’d like to have an informal, confidential chat about your situation to better understand whether my 6-pillar system may be appropriate for you.

Book a free 15 minute discovery call here.