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  • Your fear of rejection and why you are paralysed into inaction.

Your fear of rejection and why you are paralysed into inaction.

Your fear of rejection and why you are paralysed Into Inaction.

In the years of the caveman era, you were part of a tight knit group or tribe that hunted together, ate together and died together.

Whenever you did something counter to what the tribe was doing, you opened yourself up to potential rejection within the tribe, highly affecting your chances of survival.

You would not survive very long as a lone human versus a hungry sabre tooth tiger.

Over time, the humans that went against the group were selected against and the result was that our brains favour the approval of and connection to the tribe.

This translates to today our brains giving us feelings of anxiety and fear when we consider doing things that go against what mainstream society or our social groups think.

Luckily, we have no real predators in our day-to-day lives and an abundance of food in the form of supermarkets. Our survival is largely guaranteed barring any freak accidents.

Recognise that your brain will try to trick you into going against the ‘herd’.

Recognise that this is a silly and largely irrelevant relic of our caveman brains and realise that you must overcome this fake fear in order to pursue the activities that will create the most benefit for you.

Even if it is just in terms of the hobbies that you want to do that your friends would make fun of you for - Smile, accept it as biological ancestral protective memory and plug on regardless.

Once you start thinking in terms of the brain being a ‘selfish’ guardian of our squishy flesh bodies, your mindset in terms of taking ‘risk’ is not really that much of a risk at all, and more doors will open up to you.

Anything you need or questions you have, find me here.

Your Simmo.