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  • Formula #026: 7 years ago, cancer nearly destroyed me. Here's the 11 step formula I used to save myself.

Formula #026: 7 years ago, cancer nearly destroyed me. Here's the 11 step formula I used to save myself.

7 years ago, I had a testicle surgically removed.

Doctors told me I’d be on TRT and drugs for the rest of my life.

Here’s how I increased my testosterone from 421 to 871 in 60 days (using only nutrition and lifestyle changes).

Read time is about 4 minutes 30 seconds.

February 2016

February 2023

In Feb 2016.

I received the worst news of my life. They diagnosed me with testicular cancer.

As a 21-year-old man, this shock almost destroyed me.

I convinced myself I was invincible, and nothing could stop me.

I fucked up big time.

For 3 years, I’d been playing with fire.

Lots of:

• Drink

• Drugs

• Partying

• Late nights

• Junk food

I thought that’s what men did at college.

Live carefree and irresponsibly. What did I have to lose?


I got the biggest shock of my life.

The dreaded “C” word.

The rumours are true. It cuts through you like a knife through butter.

Especially when it’s your balls.

Losing a testicle knocked my confidence. Life would never be the same again.

I hit rock bottom.

But it got worse.

Post-surgery, doctors told me I’d need to be on drugs and TRT for the rest of my life.

Fuck their drugs. There had to be another way. But, the 3 years following surgery were hell.

I developed debilitating:

• Health anxiety

• Digestive issues

• Heart arrhythmia

• Social anxiety

• Low self-esteem

• Low testosterone

It properly screwed me. But, thankfully, there was hope.

This Einstein quote saved my life.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results”

It hit me like a steam train.


If I was to see extraordinary results, I needed to take extraordinary action.

I entered monk mode.

Over 3 years.

I spent thousands of hours digging through research.

I spent thousands of dollars seeking advice from health consultants.

I tried every diet, supplement and pill under the sun.

I even studied under holistic health legend, Paul Chek.

Then came a breakthrough.

My testosterone results:

June 2nd (2020) = 14.27 nmol/L

July 22nd (2020) = 30.22 nmol/L


Before I was:

• Skinny

• Anxious

• 171 lbs

• Low energy

• Poor health

Now, I’m:

• Jacked

• Confident

• 209 lbs

• High energy

• Superb health

High testosterone (T) transformed my life.

Here’s exactly what changed:

To gain 38 lbs of lean mass, double my T and transform my health.

This is what I did:

• Carbs

• Vitamin A

• Vitamin K2

• Vitamin D3

• Sleep 8hrs

• Lift weights

• Get sunlight

• Zero alcohol

• Nasal breathe

• Eat mainly meat

• Magnesium chloride

Lets break it down.

Vitamin A.

Before, I didn’t even know vit A existed.

Then, I found out vit A helps:

• Boost testosterone

• Protect the gut

• Improve immunity and stress tolerance

Best way to get it?


200g per week is perfect (I like it raw but I suggest you cook it in tallow alongside onions).

Vitamin K2.

Before, I thought plant form K1 was best.

Then, I discovered that K2 MK4 is the main form of K present in the testes.

The best way to get more K2 in MK-4 form?

Eat more:

• liver

• raw dairy

• egg yolks

Or, you can do this:


The best is Idealabs’ “Kuinone” (no aff).

4-8 drops rubbed topically into the naval works well.

Supplement Vitamin E.

Before, I’d never heard of vit E.

Then, I found out it acts as a potent estrogen blocker.

In one study, it showed 2500mg of E reduced estrogen by 65%.

But, getting enough E via diet is hard.

Instead, do this:

Take a full spectrum E supplement.

99% of E supplements only contain “d-alpha tocopherol “ form.

Instead, you want a mix of:

• alpha

• beta

• delta

• gamma tocopherols

The best is Idealab’s Tocovit (no aff).

Vitamin D3.

D3 is a superb T enhancer.

Studies have shown taking D3 can lead to increases of T between 17.8% to 25%.

It’s also powerful for immunity in regard to improving covid outcomes.

To raise your D3 levels you must do this:

Get outside more.

Expose as much of your skin to direct sunlight.

Also, eat more:

• Eggs

• Meat

• Seafood

• Raw dairy

Or, supplement.

The best is Idealabs Calcirol (no affiliation).

But, don’t forget to combine with sufficient magnesium and calcium intake.

Prioritise Sleep.

Do you sleep less than 7hrs?

If yes.. your T and health will tank.

Here’s how to fix it:

• Eat all food by 7pm

• Dim lights after sunsets

• Wear blue light blocking glasses

Don't underestimate the power of light on your hormones and health.

Get Morning Sunlight.

Upon waking, don’t lie there.

Get up.

Look east and expose your eyes to sunlight for 10 mins.


Sunlight causes a positive hormonal cascade in the brain.

Result = optimal T release and improved mood.

Get outside, feel better.

Cut alcohol.

Ironically, low dose alcohol increases T.

But, most men are drinking at least 5x more.

At these levels, alcohol tanks T.


It destroys sleep quality which is a key driver behind low T.

Bash the beer, guarantee gains.

Don’t Fear Carbs.

According to Dr Broda Barnes.

Thyroid physiology states you need carbs to thrive.

Most people take the piss and eat too much (or the wrong types).

Here's what you should do instead:

If you live in cold latitudes, eat:

• potatoes

• root vegetables

• sourdough bread

If you live in warm latitudes eat:

• fruit

• sugar

• honey


Eat Mainly Meat.

The science is undisputed.

High protein diets guarantee higher T and better overall health.

You must prioritise these foods:

• Oysters

• Red meat

• Egg yolks

• Raw dairy

• Organ meats

Trust me, eating this way will give you superpowers.

Lift Weights.

It’s a known fact that weight training increases T.

It’s possible to raise your T levels by more than double by following the correct training program.

I recommend a 4 day push/pull split.

This includes:

Session A - Push

• Front squats

• Poliquin flyes

• Arnold press

• Tricep pushdown

• Suitcase DLs

Session B - Pull.

• Elevated Sumo DL

• Neutral grip lat pull down

• Cable face pulls

• Bicep triset

• Calf raises

Full body routines are fantastic for motivation.

Nasal Breathe.

Mouth breathing ruins sleep quality.

It reduces oxygen absorption by between 10-20%.

Poor sleep quality = lower T.

Solution? Breathe via your nose.

Result = boost sleep quality between 10-20%.

Odds are, you’ll see increases in T.

Supplement Magnesium Chloride.

They have shown magnesium to increase testosterone by 24%,

But the secret that 99% of men aren’t doing?

Apply magnesium topically on the skin.

Result = supercharged new you.


How to drastically increase testosterone, get lean and bulletproof your health:

• Vitamin A

• Vitamin E

• Vitamin K2

• Vitamin D3

• Sleep 8hrs

• Lift weights

• Get sunlight

• Zero alcohol

• Don’t fear carbs

• Eat mainly meat

• Nasal breathing

• Magnesium chloride

That’s all for this Monday.

If you’re not getting value out of these tips, please consider unsubscribing.

I won’t mind and there are no hard feelings.

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Otherwise, see you again next week - same time, same place.

Your, Simmo.


Here’s my breakfast this morning before writing this for you.